Orders are typically shipped within 1 or 2 business days of order and payment confirmation. If there is a delay affecting our ability to ship, we will attempt to blatantly post this information on our site. We ship via U.S. Postal Service, and packages can be tracked through the link provided in your order confirmation email and on USPS website. Please note that federal holidays may affect shipping availability. As a majority of our domestic orders are processed through USPS priority mail, delivery times usually range 2 to 5 days depending on the package destination. International orders may take as long as 4-6 weeks depending on destination. Customs regulations may delay orders. All orders are shipped in discrete packaging. Requests for overnight shipping cannot be processed online
Albeit rare, if a package gets lost in transit yet sent to the proper address, we will not be responsible. It is the customer’s responsibility to file a claim with the courier directly to recover the package or costs. In addition, courier services have been known to mark a package as “delivered” up to 36 hours prior to it physically being delivered.
If a package is sent to the wrong address, and the incorrect address was provided online by the customer, the customer will be responsible for the cost to re-shipping the item. We are able to re-ship the order once the original package has been returned to us and payment to re-ship has been received. To avoid this, when ordering, please ensure your shipping address is accurate, as making any mistake could significantly delay the delivery. When placing an order directly with a sales representative, all addresses are verified with customers for accuracy